Capacity Development, Training, and Upskilling Program (CAPTRA)

Who is CAPTRA for?

Master the skills that matter

Your future career with CAPTRA

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Capacity Development, Training, and Upskilling Program (CAPTRA)

CAPTRA is a comprehensive 3-month program designed to equip recent graduates and young professionals with the essential skills needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

We believe in a holistic approach, combining rigorous classroom learning with real-world experience:

  • 2 Months In-Depth Training: Master technical skills like data analysis and project management, along with vital non-technical skills like communication and business operations. We also focus on essential soft skills like time management and problem-solving.
  • 1 Month On-the-Job Placement: Gain invaluable practical experience through a supervised internship at a reputable organization in your field.
Who is CAPTRA For?

CAPTRA: Your Launchpad for a Fulfilling Career

Recent Graduates

Just stepped off the graduation stage and eager to launch your career? CAPTRA is your perfect springboard. We bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, equipping you with the tools and confidence to impress employers.

Young Professionals (1-3 years experience)

Looking to upskill and take your career to the next level? CAPTRA refines your existing skillset and exposes you to new areas within the development sector. Sharpen your technical expertise, hone your soft skills, and gain valuable real-world experience through our internship program.

NYSC Participants

Fulfilling your NYSC obligation? Make the most of this time by investing in your future. CAPTRA equips you with in-demand skills and practical experience, making you a highly competitive candidate in the job market upon completion of your service.

Master the Skills That Matter

Exploring the CAPTRA Curriculum

Technical Skills
Uncover the power of data! CAPTRA's technical skills track equips you with the tools to analyze, visualize, and manage information effectively. Learn to extract insights from raw data, create impactful visuals, and master essential development software. For those seeking a deeper dive, an optional module introduces basic coding languages relevant to the field.
Non Technical Skills
Don't just be technically skilled - be a development powerhouse. CAPTRA equips you with essential non-technical skills like business acumen, communication mastery, strategic planning, and research expertise. Build your network, craft compelling reports, and develop effective strategies to become a well-rounded professional ready to tackle development challenges.
Essential Soft Skills
Mastering the "unseen" skills: CAPTRA hones your essential soft skills. Become a time management pro, tackle challenges with creative problem-solving, and build strong relationships through emotional intelligence. Develop critical thinking to make sound decisions and embrace adaptability to thrive in the ever-changing development landscape.
Leadership and Team Management Skills
Aspiring leader? CAPTRA's leadership module equips you to excel. Master communication, delegate effectively, and motivate your team. Learn to coach for growth, provide constructive feedback, and navigate diverse environments for a successful leadership journey.
Investing in your future

Your future Career with CAPTRA

Advertising and Marketing

Gain the skills and confidence employers seek.

Stand out from the crowd

Increase your employability in the development sector.

Gain practical experience

Apply your knowledge through a real-world internship.

Build your network

Connect with industry professionals and potential employers.

Have questions?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for CAPTRA! We understand that you may have some questions about our CAPTRA, and we’re here to provide you with the answers you need. Below, you’ll find a list of commonly asked questions along with detailed explanations. If you don’t see your question listed, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] for further assistance.

CAPTRA aims to equip young graduates with a comprehensive skill set, blending both technical and soft skills. By participating in this program, graduates can enhance their employability, adaptability, and overall professional growth.

  1. Participants will receive training in a range of technical areas, including:
  2. Project Management 
  3. IT & Software Development Basics
  4. Data Analytics & Visualization
  5. Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Strategies

We recognize the importance of soft skills for career success. Participants will develop skills such as:

  • CV Writing, professional profile, and LinkedIn Optimization
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Networking and Professional development
  • Social Enterprise and Non-profits Management
  • Microsoft Word
  • Presentation & Public Speaking
  • Team & Meetings Management
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Management and Leadership
  • Business Strategy & Analytical thinking
  • Institutional and Personal ethics
  • Professional Etiquette and Refined Communication
  • Negotiations & Influencing
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Business & Marketing Operations 
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Digital Transformation and Personal Improvement
  • Operations & Project Management
  • Health Care Development Sector
  • Conflict Management

The program duration is 3 months, combining both in-class and on-the-job training. Participants will learn at a fast pace while receiving guidance from experienced mentors.

Yes! Participants who successfully complete the program will receive a certification recognizing their achievement. This certification can enhance their resumes and demonstrate their commitment to continuous learning.

Visit CAPTRA page on and fill out the application form. Be sure to highlight your motivation, goals, and any relevant experience. Our team will review applications and notify selected candidates.

We believe in accessibility. The program is free of charge for selected participants. Our goal is to empower young graduates without financial barriers.

No! The schedule is fixed and makes it impossible to balance the program with other commitments.

    • Mentorship: Experienced professionals will guide you throughout the journey.
    • Community: Connect with fellow participants, share insights, and collaborate.
    • Resources: Access to learning materials, webinars, and workshops.
  • Job Opportunities: As a CAPTRA graduate, you are more attractive to employers

Apply for CAPTRA today to become a well-rounded professional in your field of choice!

Don't wait. Invest in your future, or invest in your team. Start your CAPTRA journey today!

Looking for Top Talent?
Hire CAPTRA graduates! We develop highly skilled professionals ready to contribute to your organization's success. Contact us today!
Upskill and Take Action: Enroll in CAPTRA Now!
Ready to launch your development career? CAPTRA equips you with the skills and experience to thrive. From data analysis to communication, soft skills to leadership, our program is your springboard to success. Apply Now!
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